Tired of winter? Let Chisago Age Well and our panel of local presenters brighten your day. Join us for food, fellowship, and loads of information on events, resources and activities that can help bring joy to your life not only
in winter but year round! Chisago County Public Health will provide a resource table at each event, and you’ll leave with a helpful list of community programs, activities and resources.
Choose 3 times and locations:
9:00am Rushseba Senior Living, 700 W. 14th St., Rush City
12 noon Zion Lutheran Church, 28005 Old Towne Rd., Chisago City
3:30 p.m. Chisago County Senior Center, 38790 Sixth Ave., North Branch
Register by calling North Branch Community Ed at 651-674-1025 or online at: https://northbranch.cr3.rschooltoday.com/public/getclass/category_id/-1/program_id/14