Please consider supporting Age Well and its mission through one of the following sponsorships:
Dine & Discover Sponsorships: Dine & Discover events feature well-informed speakers presenting topics of interest and importance to older adults and their caregivers. Chisago Age Well provides three events each year to the Community. Each event includes free refreshments and an opportunity to socialize. These events are made available at up to three locations in a single day to allow more community members to attend.
- $250 Partial Event
- $500 Full Event
- $1500 Annual Cost of 3 events
Annual Support – Be a hero! To allow Chisago Age Well to continue the work we do in the community, Heroes are needed to help cover costs of Office Operations and outreach. We are also needing to hire a Coordinator. Heroes will receive prominent mention on our Facebook page and website. The Chisago Age Well Superhero will be featured in a news story and photo published in local newspapers.
- $2000 Office Hero
- $5000 Outreach Hero
- $10,000 Age Well Super Hero!
Other Sponsorship Opportunities:
- Sponsor the Age Well Expo in October! $500-$1000
The Age Well Expo is a free, half-day program featuring speakers, food, entertainment and more than sixty tables hosted by organizations that provide services for older adults as well as social, entertainment and volunteer opportunities. Sponsors will receive a vendor table, and be mentioned in advertising and on the day of the event. Registration starts in August.
- In-Kind Donations are gladly accepted and may be arranged on an individual basis. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Download the Sponsorship Form below. Payment can be made online and form can be emailed to [email protected].
To pay by check, send check and form to:
Chisago Age Well, PO Box 538, Lindstrom MN 55045