Family Pathways- Aging Services

Homemaking Services:  (320)-364-1133

Caregiver Consulting Services:  Chisago and Isanti Counties (320) 364-9152  Let us walk beside you as you manage and live your life while caring for another person. You will develop your own caregiver support plan and connect with resources in the community

Sunshine Calls:  Our volunteers offer “sunshine calls” to isolated older persons to ensure continued well-being of the individual and social contact.  Participants receive phone calls over four weeks from volunteers trained in empathy and communication.

Volunteer for Sunshine Calls:  Call now to become a Sunshine Caller- 651-674-8040

Areas Serviced
Southern Chisago County
Organization Name
Family Pathways
10625 Railroad Ave, PO Box 345, Chisago City, MN 55013